Call for papers - ACURIL 2025 CuraÇao

The Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) is excited to announce its 54th Conference to be held from June 8-12, 2025, in Curaçao. The conference theme is Digital Humanities: Connecting the Caribbean through Archives, Museums, and Libraries.

In this context, we call for papers, workshops and posters and appeal to all professionals in the information field who wish to participate in the ACURIL 2025 Conference. Proposals must be sent via the button Proceed to the form below.

The workshop presentations are intended to provide opportunities for delegates to exchange case studies and projects related to one or more of the conference themes. Proposals for workshops must be sent via the button Proceed to the form below.

A poster presentation is an excellent opportunity to showcase your projects or get feedback on an idea that has been implemented. Poster proposals must be sent via the button Proceed to the form below.

Submission of Abstracts February 28, 2025 (extended to March 15, 2025)

Notification of Acceptance March 6, 2025 (extended to March 21, 2025)

Final document delivery on March 30, 2025.

Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact: Dr. Elizabeth Pierre Louis, Executive Secretary /Coordinator, ACURIL Caribbean Posters Boulevard,

Lianne Leonora, ACURIL President 2024-2025 and Chair, Conference Program Committee,



Below we share the guides and guidelines for proposals for posters. 



Confirm your Information

Name (Required)

Last Name (Required)

Min 640 x 480

Phone (Required)

Email (Required)

Institution (Required)


Country (Required)

Title of the Document (Required)

Type (Required)

Subtheme (Required)

Summary (Description: min 250 words max 1000 words)


Bio Upload (Required)


By submitting a proposal to present at the ACURIL Conference 2025, you explicitly agree:

  • • If accepted, to adhere to the deadlines as detailed in the acceptance notification regarding additional information that is required, such as presentation materials, etc.
  • • To provide appropriate evidence to support any claims related to efficacy, validity, or reliability of approaches to assessment or treatment.
  • • To offer evidence-based content in a manner that does not ridicule, defame or demoralize individuals or groups.
  • • To update your disclosure information and inform ACURIL if you develop or acquire a financial or nonfinancial interest related to the content of your presentation at any time before the Conference.
  • • That any research in which you participated and may be discussing in this presentation is in compliance with mandated national and institutional policies and procedures pertaining to animal and/or human subjects research.
  • • To follow the guidelines for crediting authorship for research presentations as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • • That no part of the Presentation or Materials (e.g. PPT, handouts) infringes upon any copyright or other intellectual property right of any third party.
  • • If any part of my Presentation or Materials involve the performance or reproduction of any pre-existing work, that I am the owner of the copyright, or have obtained permission.
  • • That the presentation and materials will contain nothing libelous, injurious or untrue; ACURIL may host the Presentation and any related materials, solely in connection with the Conference and its promotion.
  • • I grant to ACURIL a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive royalty free license for ACURIL to use and host the Presentation and Materials, solely in relation with Conferencia.
  • • That I have full power and authority, free of any rights of any nature whatsoever by any person, to enter into this Agreement and to grant the license to ACURIL in this Agreement.
  • • That I shall indemnify and hold harmless ACURIL and its agents, board members, employees, affiliates, successors, assignees and licensees from and against any claim, damage, liability, expense or loss, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs associated therewith, or with the enforcement of this indemnity, arising from any claim asserted against ACURIL by any person or entity, arising from my actual or alleged breach of any of their representations and warranties in this Agreement or arising from the Presentation or Materials.

If you are listed on the proposal as a presenting author, or expect to have any role in public presentation of the proposal (speaker, moderator, other), you must additionally agree to the Presenting Author Agreement. The Presenting Author Agreement specifically pertains to public presentation at the ACURIL Conference, whether in person or in a digital format. Presenters who do not agree to the terms of the agreement outlined below will not be allowed to present. Please ensure that all presenting authors for your session understand and agree to the terms in the Presenting Author Agreement when submitting their abstract.


In addition to the terms of the Author Agreement, as a presenter of an educational session at the ACURIL Conference, I explicitly agree:

• To register for the Conference.

  • • To present in the time slot and format assigned by the Convention Program Committee.
  • • To abide by ACURIL's Code of Conduct for Meetings.
  • • To refrain from making recordings, in any media, of the Presentation at Conference for commercial purposes without prior consent from ACURIL. Further, I understand all third parties are prohibited from making recordings, in any media, of the Presentation at Conference for commercial purposes without prior consent from ACURIL.
  • • To make a statement at the beginning of my session informing the audience whether it is permissible to capture images and/or short recordings of the session strictly for the participant's personal educational purposes.
  • • To refrain from attempting to persuade attendees to purchase or use a specific product, service, piece of equipment, or device.
  • • To refrain from references, statements, or pointed humor that disparages, denigrates or depreciates the rightful dignity and social entity of any person or group.
  • • That no part of the Presentation or Materials (e.g. PPT, handouts) infringes upon any copyright or other intellectual property right of any third party.
  • • If any part of my Presentation or Materials involve the performance or reproduction of any pre-existing work, that I am the owner of the copyright, or have obtained permission.
  • • That the Presentation and Materials contain nothing libelous, injurious or untrue.
  • • That I have full power and authority, free of any rights of any nature whatsoever by any person, to enter into this Agreement and to grant the license to ACURIL in this Agreement.
  • • To grant ACURIL permission to photograph or film me, if presenting in person, and publish the photograph(s) or video (s) in ACURIL publications and social media platforms.
  • • That I shall indemnify and hold harmless ACURIL  and its agents, board members, employees, affiliates, successors, assignees and licensees from and against any claim, damage, liability, expense or loss, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs associated therewith, or with the enforcement of this indemnity, arising from any claim asserted against ACURIL by any person or entity, arising from my actual or alleged breach of any of their representations and warranties in this Agreement or arising from the Presentation or Materials.

    If you need further clarification on any point, or have a specific situation to inquire about, please e-mail with details as soon as possible. Messages will be forwarded to the ACURIL program committee team for review and response. We ask that you ask any questions or address any concerns well in advance, and no later than April 24, 2025 so that issues do not arise on site that impact your presentation.
Acuril 2022
Conference Details

Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort, Piscadera Bay 3, John F. Kennedy Boulevard

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