Sponsor Package Request Form




- Mention in Sponsor page on the  Program App
- Mention in Sponsor page on the Conference Website 
- Advertisement on our Social Media: 6 post
- Promotion video on Social Media: 2 video
- Promotion video in the Conference: 2 video
- Welcome reception: 2 ticket
- Culture evening: 2 ticket
- Tours: 1 ticket
- Closing ceremony: 1 ticket
- One table or Standing table

- Access to exhibitors meeting room


Confirm information
{{text[isInPreviewTranslate(key)] === undefined ? isInPreviewTranslate(key) : text[isInPreviewTranslate(key)]}}
Company Logo
Min 1080 x 1080
Promo Image
Min 1080 x 1080

sao_description sao_price sao_qty
{{addon['sao_name' + '_' + 'english']}}

{{addon['sao_description' + '_' + 'english']}}

sao_description sao_price sao_select
{{addon['sao_name' + '_' + 'english']}}

{{addon['sao_description' + '_' + 'english']}}

Payment Option Base Price Addons Price Processing Fee Total
{{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_payment_option}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_base_price}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_addon_price}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_pay_commission}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_total_price}}
Payment options