Sponsor Package Request Form




Logo on Conference website and programme
Exhibition space (1 table) and 1 complimentary registration
2-minute interview during the Morning Show (2 day)
Promotion through website and social media
Half page advertisement in the official conference brochure
Opportunity to place promotional materials in conference bags: 2 items
A company representative to address group at Exhibitor Roundtable event
Attendance at Welcome Reception, Closing Ceremony and Cultural evening and Library/Cultural Tour

Confirm information
{{text[isInPreviewTranslate(key)] === undefined ? isInPreviewTranslate(key) : text[isInPreviewTranslate(key)]}}
Company Logo
Min 1080 x 1080
Promo Image
Min 1080 x 1080

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{{addon['sao_name' + '_' + 'english']}}

{{addon['sao_description' + '_' + 'english']}}

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{{addon['sao_name' + '_' + 'english']}}

{{addon['sao_description' + '_' + 'english']}}

Payment Option Base Price Addons Price Processing Fee Total
{{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_payment_option}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_base_price}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_addon_price}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_pay_commission}} ${{sponsorFormPayload.sponsorcontact_total_price}}
Payment options